Thursday, August 4, 2011

Time flies when we're having fun!

Getting out of the house is not always easy for us, between her nap "schedule" and lunch and all things good and bad we had our first experience with pots and pans today, which she loved. After Seasame Street and Elmo's Ducks, and a mini photo shoot with her new binky, it was nap time for the lady.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have to start somewhere...

Thinking little miss is almost 6 MONTHS old I haven't been the greatest Henley tracker of her accomplishments, funny moments, and  just her daily routine so I will use this to keep track of her little life!

Well today little miss was up at 5:15 AM, the little bird gets her worm early, everyday. But she's a happy girl in the morning. Today we went to Nana's work, my work, and shopping. We were going for Easter pictures today; HOWEVER, someone decided to scratch their nose yesterday( I think she just didn't want to be a little model today.)

Little drama queen is needed right now, she's changed, fed.... who knows what she wants!!!

Tonight: Hang out with momma night :), daddy has some college basketball thing.